Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Prison Nursing Essay

I had been a medical caretaker for 1 yr, and just worked in long haul care. I longed for an adjustment in my vocation that was energizing, yet testing; I chose to turn into a remedial medical caretaker. I had no clue about what was available for me when I went after a job with UTMB . I talked with loved ones who thought I was insane for needing to work in such an antagonistic domain. Obviously, I didn’t tune in and followed my own intuition. At the point when I was employed, I had not taken a voyage through the office; the very beginning was the first occasion when I strolled into a jail. As I strolled in the entryway house, I was stating to myself â€Å"this isn’t so awful! I continued disclosing to myself those equivalent words the entire time I was taking my shoes off , relaxing to be looked, and getting searched while checking for booty. After the most damaging search I had ever gotten was finished, my heart started to pound. â€Å"What am I getting myself into? † Once in the hospital I was given a concise depiction of employment obligations. At this point my heart was in my throat, however I kept up the bold front . I discovered that I would be working in our center with convicts that necessary inpatient clinical consideration. My job was to give nursing care as it were. A couple of things I needed to think about; they were convicts. They could be very manipulative and they attempted to test me each time I pivoted. They posed inquiries about my own life and they requested favors. They would likewise request that I acquire things from the â€Å"real world† or convey things or letters. This conduct could be justification for end so any and each time I was solicited to do any from the things I recorded or whenever a prisoner attempted to get to individual it must be accounted for. The prisoner would then need to confront disciplinary activity. It was difficult to recollect all the dos and don’ts while maintaing polished methodology, just as keep up wellbeing and mental soundness. In the Texas jail framework the prisoners persevere through tiring conditions. In the winter its freezing chilly, old boilers are all they need to keep warm. In the mid year its seething hot, old uproarious fans are all they need to keep cool. Being compassionate as I am, I couldn’t help however feel frustrated about them. I was raised to see the positive qualities in each body. I was likewise brought to accept up in tit for tat. It was extremely difficult to give fair mind when I realized I was managing a kid molester or an attacker. I realize we were prepared to set regardless of our feelings, yet as a general rule my feelings would at times bamboozle me. I just filled in as a restorative medical attendant for a yr. I appreciated working with different individuals from the clinical staff just as prison guards. I really delighted in working with the detainees, giving clinical consideration. I have had a lot of detainees reviling and hollering at me and have seen circumstances I will always remember. I learned rapidly to be tough. I figured out how to be intense so as to carry out the responsibility and endure. I despite everything think back about the adrenalin surge I would get inevitably and crisis would emerge. I’m happy I settled on the decision to work at the Wynne Unit it was certainly a groundbreaking encounter.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Green card para familiar indocumentado de militar (PIP)

Green card para natural indocumentado de militar (PIP) El parole set up (PIP, por sus siglas en inglã ©s)â es un camino poco conocido que permite obtener la tarjeta de residencia, tambiã ©n conocida como green card, a migrantes indocumentados que sonâ familiares inmediatos deâ ciudadanosâ militares, reservistas oâ veteranos. Cuando una persona choose alistarse en el Ejã ©rcito, toma en consideraciã ³n un conjunto de factores, como servir a su paã ­s, y tambiã ©n por supuesto quã © beneficios e incentivos puede lograr en esa profesiã ³n. Entre los beneficios destacan los migratorios que child de particular interã ©s para las personas que child inmigrantes o que tienen familiares que lo child. En este artã ­culo se explicaâ un beneficio migratorio concreto: el parole in place:â â quiã ©nes aplica el PIP, cules child los trmites, cules pueden ser los problemas que pueden surgirâ y quã © opciones existen para los migrantes que no pueden beneficiarse. Quiã ©nes se pueden beneficiar de la medida del parole set up (PIP) Para solicitar con à ©xito es necesario cumplir los siguientes requerimientos: En groundwork lugar, estarâ calificado por las leyes migratorias dentro de la categorã ­a de recognizable inmediato de un ciudadano estadounidense. Esto quiere decir que se tiene que ser: cã ³nyuge. Se admiten tanto los matrimonios heterosexuales como los homosexuales.padre, o madrehijo soltero que adems debe ser menos de 21 aã ±os. En segundo lugar, la persona interesada en obtener el PIP tiene que estar presente en Estados Unidos. No aplica a las personas que se encuentran en otro paã ­s. En tercer lugar, estosâ migrantes indocumentadosâ no pueden regularizarâ su situaciã ³n a pesar de ser familiares inmediatos de un ciudadano. La razã ³n es porque entraron an Estados Unidos sin ser inspeccionados, es decir, cruzando la frontera ilegalmente por un lugar que no time la Aduana y, por lo tanto, no autorizã ³ su entrada un oficial de Inmigraciã ³n.â En otras palabras, los familiares inmediatos de ciudadano pero que ingresaron a los Estados Unidos legalmente pero que despuã ©s se convirtieron en indocumentados porque no salieron del paã ­s cuando debã ­an hacerlo no tienen que recurrir al PIP. La razã ³n es que para ellos es posible ajustar su estatus, es decir, arreglar los papeles sin salir de Estados Unidos si ese es el à ºnico problema que existe en su rã ©cord migratorio. En cuarto lugar, el à ºnico problema migratorio que se tiene es que se ha ingresado ilegalmente. Esto lo roughage que tener muy claro porque el PIP no aplica si feed otros problemas. Y en quintoâ y à ºltimo lugar, el migrante indocumentado para el que se pide el PIP tiene que ser el natural inmediato de un militar ciudadano americanoâ en activo en cualquiera de las ramas del Ejã ©rcito Americano. Tambiã ©n se admite para los familiares de un Reservista, incluidos los de la Guardia Nacional, o de un veterano. Cã ³mo se aplica para recibir elâ parole set up (PIP) Para obtener la green card por medio del PIP para familiares inmediatos de ciudadanos que child militares se necesita seguir dos trmites distintos: en preliminary lugar el de solicitud del PIP y, una vez que se obtiene la aprobaciã ³n, entonces se debe proseguir al segundo paso, pidiendo el ajuste de estatus. Por lo tanto, para cumplir con el requerimiento de solicitud del PIP es necesario enviar los siguientes documentos al chief de la oficina del Servicio de Ciudadanã ­a e Inmigraciã ³n (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglã ©s) que corresponda segã ºn el lugar de residencia del extranjero que pide el beneficio. La planilla I-131 debidamente llenada. El documento se llama Application for Travel Document. A pesar del nombre, es el que feed que cumplimentar. A diferencia de lo que ocurre en otros casos, cuando se est solicitando una parole set up por ser recognizable directo de un militar o veterano no feed que pagar cuota.Evidencia de la relaciã ³n de familia entre el inmigrante y el militar o veterano, como certificado de matrimonio, acta de nacimiento, and so forth. I.D. militar, DEERS, etc. Enviar fotocopia clear, no original.Prueba de que el militar, veterano o reservista realmente lo es. Para este caso enviar una fotocopia de ambas caras de la tarjeta de identificaciã ³n militar. Acreditaciã ³n de la ciudadanã ­a estadounidense del militar.â Dos fotos del inmigrante que seanâ idã ©nticas, tipo pasaporte Documentos de cualquier tipo que puedan ayudar a que el oficial de inmigraciã ³n que debe tomar una decisiã ³n sobre el caso lo adopte favorablemente. Todos los documentos mencionados necesitan ser presentados. Adems, con carcter voluntario y sã ³lo en los casos en los que proceda, una carta escrita por el ciudadano americano en la que se depict la situaciã ³n que el estatus migratorio del natural puede estarle causando. En este caso, aportar la documentaciã ³n que sirva para acreditar lo que se afirma. La declaraciã ³n debe ir firmada, fechada e incluir direcciã ³n y telã ©fono del militar. Finalmente, si la relaciã ³n entre el militar y el migrante para el que se solicita el PIP es que child cã ³nyuges, entonces tambiã ©n es recomendable aportar documentaciã ³n que sirva para probar que el matrimonio es de buena fe, es decir, de los de verdad y no solo contraã ­do con la intenciã ³n de obtener papeles. Si la peticiã ³n del PIP es aprobada, se recibir una tarjeta que se conoce como I-94. Eso es la prueba de que se puede continuar y pedir un ajuste de estatus mediante la planilla I-485â para obtener la green card. Incluir pago y toda la documentaciã ³n de apoyo, incluida la que sirva para probar que se ha recibido la aprobaciã ³n del PIP. Quã © puede pasar cuando se solicita una parole set up (PIP) La PIP se yield en casos muy excepcionales. Pero por orden del gobierno de los Estados Unidos desde noviembre de 2013 se conceder en la mayorã ­a de los casos an aquellas personas que child familiares directos (esposos, padres o hijos) de un militar, reservista o veterano. Es posible incluso solicitar el PIP cuando se tiene iniciado en contra un procedimiento de deportaciã ³n o se tiene una orden ya dictada.  Pero sã ³lo en los casos en los que el problema migratorio estã © causado por haber ingresado ilegalmente. En todo caso es necesario que el inmigrante para el que se solicita no tenga un rã ©cord criminal u otros problemas de inadmisibilidad. Tener en cuenta que en todo este proceso se va a tener que decir la verdad sobre arrestos, imputaciones, condenas, violaciones migratorias, falsedades que se han cometido al llenar documentos oficiales, nã ºmero de veces en las que se intentã ³ ingresar ilegalmente sin à ©xito a los Estados Unidos y problemas migratorios que causa el hecho de ingresar an Estados Unidos, quedarse ms de un aã ±o, salir, y volver an ingresar ilegalmente. En cualquiera de estos casos es necesario consultar con un abogado risks de enviar la aplicaciã ³n. No olvidar que el PIP es discrecional, es decir, el gobierno no est obligado an aprobarlo. Y si no se aprueba se le ha dicho a las autoridades migratorias donde live un migrante indocumentado con serios problemas migratorios. Dã ³nde buscar ms informaciã ³n y asistencia Los militares tienen oficinas dedicadas a resolver dudas migratorias y ayudar con la papelerã ­a. Preguntar en el lugar donde se est estacionado. Adems, el militar, reservista o veterano (pero no su pariente que est ilegalmente en Estados Unidos) pueden solicitar una cita con el USCIS utilizando el sistema InfoPass para ayudar a resolver sus dudas, segã ºn las especificaciones del caso. Si se est en situaciã ³n de indocumentado y no se califica para esta medida, verificar si es posible hacerlo a travã ©s de alguno de estos caminos para la regularizacià ³n. Es muy importante conocer quã © es realmente posible y quã © no y evitar ser vã ­ctima de un fraude migratorio.â Cambios recientes PIP es una medida de alivio que aprobã ³ el presidente Barack Obama al igual que DACA clsico, tambiã ©n conocida como la Acciã ³n Diferida,â sã ­ que est en life y se puede aplicar si se cumplen los requisitos. Desde que asumiã ³ la presidencia de Donald Trump se ha pronunciado sobre numerosos asuntos migratoriosâ e incluso ha emitido à ³rdenes ejecutivas con grandes repercusiones migratorias. Ya se han comenzado a notar los efectos de la nueva polã ­tica de prioridades de deportaciã ³n. Por à ºltimo, pensar si se necesita contar con la opiniã ³n de un abogado, es recomendable elegir aâ uno especialista en leyes migratorias, aã ºn cuando puedan resultar caros en algunos casos.â Este artã ­culo es meramente informativo. No es asesorã ­a legitimate para ningã ºn caso concreto.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

101 Things to Do Before You Graduate from MIT

101 Things to Do Before You Graduate from MIT At orientation, we received a list of 101 Things to Do Before You Graduate from MIT. I immediately taped it onto my wall and Ive been checking off activities ever since. Now that its my *final* year, I think I have to step-up to the plate and complete it! For the skeptics (and photo-lovers), Ive included photographic evidence below. (My apologies to those without high-speed internet connectionsI realize that it will take a while for this page to load.) So Ive never actually been to a Bruins game, but two of my best friends, Anna 08 and Maria 08, won tickets and took my camera along for the trip. On the night of Ring Delivery, we went to the Top of the Hub for some cookies and a good view. Yummm. For an explanation of Ring Premiere, click here: The LSC (which stands for Lecture Series Committee) brings films and lectures to the MIT community. For example, this weekend I saw Paris, Je Taime and Oceans 13 for $3 each. The films are shown in one of the large lecture halls. On this particular day, there was a musical performance before the movie. Every year, The Chorallaries put on a performance called Bad Taste where they make fun of everything related to MIT. Its pretty hilarious For more about the 2.007 Mechanical Engineering robot competition, click here: Shaye 08, Matt, and Boris 08 enjoying an appetizer at Legal Sea Foods. I dont remember this particular occasion, but this picture is from one of the many times that Matt took us out. Thanks, Matt =) Isnt our gym gorgeous? Yes, yes it is.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Current and Future Trends of the Developments and Advancement in Telecommunications Free Essay Example, 1750 words

The white paper published by Cisco (2011) has emphasized current trends that continue to shape the work setting including increasing applications of video communications, mobile communications and the continuing upgrades to the use of smartphones in varied work endeavors. This was corroborated by Gill, Kamath, Gill (2012) who closely evaluated the use and impact of smartphones in the health care environment. The authors cited a Gartner study which revealed that by 2012, the top ten smartphone apps would include money transfer, location-based services, search, browsing, health monitoring, mobile payment, near-field communication service, advertising, Internet messaging, and music . In health care, smartphones were noted to be significantly used in the areas of providing health information to patients, continued access and connectivity to health practitioners, scheduling for medical appointments or medical examinations, to name a few. However, despite the apparent benefits, Gill, Kam ath, Gill (2012) have likewise revealed that the use of smartphones in the healthcare setting poses risks, threats and safety issues for health care practitioners who are using these and also to their patients. From among the negative effects noted from smartphone use include: exposure and possible contamination from bacteria-laden smartphones, especially in high-risk areas, to wit: a study conducted at a health care organization in Ireland to test the bacteria-carrying potential of cellular phones showed that, of the 70% cellular phones tested for bacteria that could cause infection, 96% were contaminated and 15% had bacteria known to cause healthcare-associated infections .We will write a custom essay sample on Current and Future Trends of the Developments and Advancement in Telecommunications or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Overall, it is recognized that the significant changes and transformations in the telecommunications environment have affected contemporary work settings in terms of the need to re-evaluate current strategies, plans, internal competencies, and weaknesses.

Friday, May 8, 2020

The Management Style Of The Teacher Sets The Tone For The...

The management style of the teacher sets the tone for the learning environment. I believe students can be taught to self-discipline. Most students are naturally good, and with the right management plan being implemented by the teacher they can be conditioned to be idea students. Students should be viewed as being equals in the learning environment. Students should not be considered subordinates within the classroom who have little to nothing to add to the principles and rules adopted by the teacher to govern the class. Consequently, I believe in establishing a democratic classroom. Teachers should give students the responsibility to, in a sense, take over the classroom and their learning. As William Glasser states in his Control Theory , the only person with the ability to change the behavior of a human is that human. Therefore, it is important for the teacher to establish an environment where students are aware of their actions and the consequences of their actions. This type of management plan holds the students semi-responsible for their behavior and safety. Classroom management is a community affair between the students and the teacher. As an educator, I view myself as being a democratic teacher. I’m assertive and understandable. I believe in establishing an environment where the students have values, respect, trust, and a drive from within. Therefore, I see my management role as being a collaborative process with the students, parents,Show MoreRelatedEssay on Classroom Leadership: Field Experience Analysis1227 Words   |  5 PagesEffective leaders and teachers understand how students learn, classroom designs, and teacher strategies enhance student learning. The theoretical underpinnings of successful classroom management stem from many factors to construct a learning environment. Students come into the classrooms, according to Levy (2008), with different personalities, abilities, and learning styles. 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Christian teachers should support students and extend the student’s awareness that the entire world is God’s creation. (Brummelen, 2009) It is important to understand what an effective teacher is. â€Å"An effective teacher endows pupils with analytical and critical skills and instilment of the capacity for individual study. (Lavy, 2016) If a teacher was creating goals for the up-coming school year, it would be to establish a positive learning environment that is productive and incorporatesRead MoreThe University New Haven Teachers Institute1344 Words   |  6 Pages I am presently employed by Yale University in the Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute ®. We are a small, unique department with our own endowment that functions under the Provost s office. We are almost like a virtual operation because we have little or no formal structure when compared to other departments in the University. We have a small staff of individuals who have a specific job/role in the Institute. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Precious Blood Free Essays

Blood Diamond is a movie that was cast by Leonardo DiCaprio, Djimon Hounsou and Jennifer Connelly and was directed by Edward Zwick’s. The movie was set in Sierra Leone Civil War in South Africa. The role of Hounsou was a fisherman while DiCarpio was a white mercenary gun smuggler that sells guns to rebellions in exchange of money while Connelly was an American journalist that wants to expose the illegal and mistreating of the diamond miners in Africa. We will write a custom essay sample on Precious Blood or any similar topic only for you Order Now Connelly was the only cast in the movie that has no intent on diamonds. (Burr, 2006) The movie was all about the quest of DiCarpio and Hounsou to reveal the pink diamond which they believe that the pink diamond will change their lives. Hounsou was a fisherman who was taken away from his family so that he can work in the diamond field. While in prison, DiCarpio found out that Hounsou had an idea of the pink diamond. The major quest of Hounsou was to find his family but found out that his family was in the hands of the United Nations. But the son of Hounsou was kidnapped by the diamond miner terrorist and was forced to become a child soldier. With this, the two men joined in finding the missing pink diamond because the said diamond will help Hounsou saves his family from the hands of the rebels while DiCarpio will find a second life. With the help of Connelly, the three will reveal the truth behind the issues surrounding the diamond industry in South Africa. (Burr, 2006) The story of Blood Diamond mirrors the reality of some country-the rebels using their resources in finding weapons that they can use against the government. Many countries are now experiencing this kind of problem and affect the performance of the government in serving its citizen. This is a positive side of the film because it tackles some of the major problems in countries, terrorism. The setting of the movie is perfect for the purpose, and message of the movie. It shows the lives of many African people and shows how sad are the lives of these Africans. The major casts of the movie play their role efficiently. Like Hounsou who played as a rebel kidnapped. As the quest begins in finding his son, the emotion as a father was seen on Hounsou. The movie Blood Diamond showed mistake in doing the film. First, is the scene were DiCarpio and Connelly share the wine and the rd cup they used appear and disappear with out explanation. Another movie mistakes is when the child soldiers were seen using a Game Boy Advance SP. The video game was released in the market on 2003 while the film was set in 1900s. Also, when Solomon was fishing in the morning, the sun rise over the sea which is contrast to reality that the sun rise over land. The Casts DiCarpio had a character that is flat and one dimensional only at the start of the movie. But as he entered to the real world of diamond industry in Sierra Leone, he became strong, and well rounded. At first, DiCarpio shows a virtue of a smuggler, a liar but as the movie goes; his brutal honesty reveals the illegal diamond business in Sierra Leone.   Hounsou shows was successful in making a character that is strong and is determined in regaining back his son from the diamond rebels. And sometimes, he induced anger, compassion and hopelessness.   Jennifer Connelly was a American journalist that seeks and wants to reveal the illegal diamond business in Sierra Leone. She cooperates with DiCarpio and Hounsou in her quest. The acting of the three major casts played their role in well. This is a good characteristic of the film because it shows the reality in South Africa. The film ends when Hounsou reveals to the people his experience in the diamond rebels and the illegal of the said business. The film was very interesting because it show to the audience what really happens in some part of the world. The producer of Blood Diamond would like to impart to the audience to become aware to this serious issue that will make a one step towards in minimizing these problems. Reference: Burr, T. (2006). Blood Diamond Movie Review [Electronic Version]. Retrieved May 25, 2007 from http://www.boston.com/movies/display?display=movieid=9301. How to cite Precious Blood, Essay examples

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Principles of Environmental Science free essay sample

Principals of Environmental Science Joshua Hammack ENV/100 February 4, 2013 Christopher Bertram Principals of Environmental Science Environmental science is the relationship between the earth and all living things and organisms that use the earth’s resources to sustain life. Environmental science is also the ongoing study of the environment and all of its interconnected systems. The style of research performed by environmental scientists is very diverse. Also, environmental science is composed of many components such as geology, physics, social science, meteorology, and biology. Social science looks more at how humans and animals interact within the environment and the effects they have on one another. â€Å"Environmental scientists try to establish general principles about how the natural world functions. They use these principles to develop viable solutions to environmental problems—solutions that are based as much as possible on scientific knowledge† (M. C. , 2009). Technology and science affect the problems and solutions of today’s society both positively and negatively. We will write a custom essay sample on Principles of Environmental Science or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Take for instance the invention of the car by Karl Friedrich Benz in 1885, (Bruno, 1997) while there was a demand for better transportation as people became more sophisticated and wanted to travel further than possible on a horse it created a demon for the environment to fight. Today, worldwide there are more than 1 billion passenger vehicles on the roadways, (Tencer, 2011) and with an increase in automobiles comes added pollution from oil, grease, petroleum, and rubber, but not only the cars produce pollution. The manufacturing does equal amounts of damage from steel mills, rubber plants and stamping plants. With growing population these numbers will begin to rise. At the same time the technologies that are contributing to the Worlds pollution problems are also being used to help solve the problem by creating means necessary to obtain valuable data to aid in the solution. For example studying marine life in the depths of the ocean would not be possible without using motorboats to reach these remote locations. The double edge sword being that the boat itself pollutes the water. Finding a balance between the neccessity of technology and the over consumption of technology is a slippery slope, but it is crucial to the sustainability of the environment. â€Å"Ecologist Garrett Hardin (1915–2003) is best known for his 1968 essay â€Å"The Tragedy of the Commons. † In it he contended that our inability to solve complex environmental problems is the result of a struggle between short-term individual welfare and long-term environmental sustainability, the ability to meet humanitys current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs† (M. C. , 2009). It is essential that society studies the sustainability of our resources not only so they can be preserved, but to aid in the prediction of growth and evolution. Some countries like the US, Canada, Japan, and Europe are highly developed countries that are consuming the majority of the worlds sustainable consumption. As the under developed countries such as Haiti, yemen, and Sudan begin to grow they will take on a larger share of the sustainable consumption. Without monitoring the development from an environmental point of view the worlds population could literally eat themselves out of house and home. â€Å"Those who dont know history are doomed to repeat it. † –Edmund Burke. Looking back through history the United States has not always been the best stewards to the land. In fact, through many mistakes the lessons of Mother Nature have been ingrained into our culture. The concept of conservation and preservation was brought about by a group of men in the mid 1800’s through the early 1900’s. Benjamin Harrison (1833–1901), Grover Cleveland (1837–1908), William McKinley (1843–1901), and Theodore Roosevelt (1858–1919) were all the first to use the Forest Reserve Act, this act was put into affect in 1881 which gave the president the authority to establish forest reserves on public, federally owned land (M. C. , 2009). Before this the lands in the western United States were falling victim to deforestation with 160 billion board foot of lumber being cut from 1860, just after the Civil War to 1900. Throughout history the government has been very proactive in establishing programs to help preserve and protect the natural resources. Until 1970, the voice of the environmentalist was nothing but a whisper that was only heard through two organizations, the Sierra Club and the National Wildlife Federation (M. C. , 2009). When Denis Hays, a Harvard graduate student was influenced by a former Wisconsin senator to organize the first recognized Earth Day it bacame a gateway for informing the public on sustainability, consumption and what we needed to do to preserve our environment. Eventually Earth Day became a way to show people that their little contribution to reducing their carbon footprint as much as possible was magnified greatly when coupled with others efforts. â€Å"By Earth Day 1990, the movement had spread around the world, signaling the rapid growth in environmental consciousness† (M. C. , 2009). In conclusion, it is inevitable that the world as a whole will continue to grow, the population will increase, and resources will be exhuasted. It is for that reason the human race must be aware of what is coming.